The bold production of MEDIAWAN
The French press group MEDIAWAN chose BACKDROP to produce a short film for television. This series offers a whimsical take on the story of Adam and Eve, with interactions between the characters and a representation of God in the form of a halo of light and a voice.
The set was meticulously arranged by the production design team to highlight the natural elements of the environment, with vegetation in the foreground. Meanwhile, the 3D setting of the Garden of Eden was created using the Unreal Engine.
This is a fascinating example of the use of virtual production techniques in television and film storytelling, blurring the boundary between reality and the virtual world. Using BACKDROP tools, smooth transitions between different environments and switching from one environment to another all help to improve production quality. The transition from day to night literally took a second.
All this combined with the multiCAM SPACE set, to which we added physical scenery to complete the illusion, results in a seamlessly integrated rendering.